Friday, February 12, 2010

Brain Spillage #12: More?

Don't you feel sometimes like there has to be more?

i mean, that seems liek such a general question, but so often we get swept up in our lives, our drama, our friends, our problems to really worry about anything else. I have become very good at that. i easily become consumed with school, work, my social life, and the future. but today, while twiddling my thumbs at work, i started thinking. actually, i was looking at a cupcake when i started thinking. hahahaha

if you have ever had sprinkles cupcakes you would know that i absolutely LOOOVE them, but today instead of getting my usual red velvet, i got coconut cupcakes for the whole office. i had mine on a plate, and if you have ever seen a sprinkles coconut cupcake it is COVERED in little coconut shavings. there must be about a million little shaving on there. and i i was like, man, im probably like one of those little shavings in comparison to everyone in redwood city. and this is just my city, imagine how little and insignificant i become when compared to the rest of the world population. its pretty crazy. i dont really know what got me thinking about it...maybe i fell asleep listening to the news on the radio or something, but really, there is so much going on. theres more to life than just us.

challenge for the weekend: its valentines day weekend, but more importantly its about love. not just stupid infatuation with another person, but showing real love. so this weekend, do something nice for someone else. buy a homeless guy a happy meal, pass chocolates out on the street, or simply treat your parents to breakfast.

the more love we put into the world, the happier of a place we will live in. love is like polio and malaria, they spread fast and sometimes make you feel oober wierd, but it changes you and kills the old grumpy you making room for a loving caring person. :) do the deed!

coconuts. people. and malaria :)


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