now, i know some of you are thing.."Amy, you find any excuse to party!" but this is real. this is special. this is my partner in skankiness, my ride or die chick, my main whorebag! this is bigger than any holiday (maybe except halloween..) LOL. so yes, im preparations for said party, i have been compiling a collection of songs to play during the party. we are big fans of Ke$ha and so she is def on the list. but listening to all these songs is tricking my inner party animal. here i am having a quiet night at home, but my inner party animal wants to get up and dance like a loon with a red cup in my hand. im so confused. sobriety does not suit me. HA!
im going to continue to pile up an amazing playlist that will get everyone dancing like idiots. to understand what im talking about, i suggest taking a listen to "Blow" by Ke$ha followed by "Memories" by David Guetta. If that doesnt get your booty shaking, you have issues.
"All the crazy sh*t i did tonight....."
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