unemployment sucks. i have way too much time on my hands. i have figured out in the past couple of weeks that when i have more free time than i should, i do nothing! i mean, its not there arent things i should be doing. i SHOULD study for my midterms, i SHOULD work on my senior thesis, i SHOULD finish my internship hours, i SHOULD help out around the house....but no. what do i find myself doing on my free time?? sleeping. sleeping. SLEEPING!
therefore, i have concluded that i need a job. as it turns out when im under pressure i get my work done a lot better and faster. guess i gotta stress myself out again because being unstressed is obviously NOT working for me. on the bright side, im going to go fill out an application to get paid to decorate a store essentially. ill be the store "artist" which is awesome! getting paid to do something i love to do, who would have thought!
another thing..about 4 years ago, i had a melody to a song stuck in my head. since then, i have forgot it. but lately i feel like its haunting me and taunting me with its unfinishedness. i feel this weight to add to it and give it lyrics and whatnot, but i cant figure it out! its so frustrating. at the same time, my creativity is off the wire. i have so many idea in my head ive been having to type them into my phone..ideas for sculptures, paintings, songs...ridiculous.
my obsession with robert smith continues..i suggest giving a listen to the song "Not in Love" by Crystal Castles Ft. Robert Smith.

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