its been a while i know. i really need to stop starting my blogs like that. hah!
#1 news, i no longer have bright red hair. it saddens my little black heart to know that old people will no longer stop me and ask how i got my hair that color and crackheads wont give me high fives when im walking through safeway. it looks something like this these days..

ok ok, so i don't look completely normal, but still. damn. i miss my red hurrrr
news #2: my hermana, the domestically challenged one is preggggoooo! which means i am going to be an auntie. that makes me happy. i cannot wait to pass down my wisdom and extensive knowledge of music to a fresh little mind.
news #3: i have officially decided to move out of town at the end of the summer. its really hard to back to being the perfect child after you have lived on your own before. rules and me dont mix very well.
news #4: i cannot stop listening to "Higher" by Taio Cruz ft. Kylie Minogue. it makes me wanna dance like crazy. and as i have established in my other blog, i like to dance like a loon on loonie pills.
it seems that things are starting to look up. stress levels are off the charts these days, but i work well under pressure. im like potatoes, u gotta pressure cook em or else they take forever. thats me. im a potato. a brown almost college graduate potato. as always when things are going good, something has to happen to tip over the balancing act known as my life! i cant go into detail, but lets say MAJOR changes are about to happen in my life. NO I AM NOT PREGNANT! im gonna squash that rumor before it even starts...again! jeez.
but seriously, lesson of the say: everything eventually turns to shit. i got to witness my dad curse for several minutes today. it gave me an uneasy feeling. something is about to happen and im worried. and people wonder why college kids party so much and get baked all the time...sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
we will see what happens. ill keep y'all updated. i dont know why i added the "y'all" in there. i really never say that word. it made me crave some chicken wings. GOODNESS!! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!!??? could the fact that ive only slept like 8 hours in the past 2 days have something to do with my developing insanity? oh god. i feel like a crackhead.
in lighter news, i want to embrace my musical ability a lot more than i have been. which means some possible videos of my singing. just typing that made me shutter. **note to self: please reconsider this idea**
maybe it is time i embrace my inner psycho. just totally lose my marbles and become that one girl who had a mental breakdown her last semester of college and jumped in a fountain in the mall and yelled "I AM THE KRAKEN FROM THE SEA!" i totally just stole that. man, i need to stop listening to nicki minaj. im catching her psychotic tendencies.
"I sprinkle holy water upon the vampiYAH!" -The Minajerzzz
**im losin it!**